Montag, 20. August 2007

Some pics from our Appartment

2007-08-19 - fotos wohnung

Since I was leaving most of my life in a house I didn't really get to enjoy the advantage of a garden. I realized it though when we didn't have one also no balcony. You're just trapped. So we are just so happy to have a nice, pretty quite and pretty big balcony. Just sitting outside, having an ice and watching people walking by. So much fun. ... and smelly visitors can sleep there ;)

Freitag, 17. August 2007

Finally in our new appartment

YES. Good feeling to have a home again. The sad thing... no internet access yet. The telephone company still needs some time. Oh well, I guess we'll have to live without. This also means no fix phone.

I really like our new flat. It's got a room more, so guests are welcome :) and we also got a balkony which is just sooooo nice. Sitting outside and haven dinner.

Pics will hopefully come later.

Freitag, 3. August 2007

Got our new Appartment :)

Finally we found an appartment. We started looking for one like 3 months ago and we never got one. Either it was too expensive, too far away or they didn't want one, but now we found a nice appartment just in time and it even has a balcony :)

Pictures to come...